coaching process
Sick of one more email
Then don’t sit around waiting for things to change. Act today and take your game to the next level!

How the Coaching Course Works
It can be difficult to juggle all the things you want to do in life. As driven leaders, we tend to get so focused on the task immediately in front of us that we neglect other things in life.
Our family suffers. Our personal well-being suffers.
No matter how many new resolutions you commit to, if you don’t actively reorient your life and work around your priorities, you will continue in the same unhealthy patterns.
I don’t want that for you, and more importantly, you don’t want that for you!
Life is so much more enjoyable when you live in healthy balance. You really get the best of both worlds: success in professional and personal life!
So don’t keep drudging away, hoping something will change. Take the next step today!
Through my ten-week course, I help you live with peace and ease and do more of what comes naturally to you. You will have access to an online portal where you will journal on a series of journal prompts that change weekly that I can read and comment on. In addition we will have weekly 1-on-1 recorded calls that walk you through the process of identifying the beliefs behind your behaviors and evaluating which ones serve you best.
Not only does this process help you more effectively achieve your goals and purpose, but you also gain a superfan out of it who will support you at every turn.
I’d love to meet with you and see how I can help you achieve what matters most to you. Don’t worry; the first call is entirely free. I truly desire that you be able to experience transformation. The discovery call helps you get a better idea of how coaching will benefit you, and it helps me know how to tailor the coaching for your specific needs.

Real Results, Real Change
Intensive Coaching for Intense Ambition
10-Week Journaling Course

Maintenance Coaching
For clients who have completed the 10-week journaling course and want ongoing support.

Stop Work From Controlling Your Life